When faced with new situations, I look for new ways to bring Judaism into peoples’ lives. Before starting rabbinical school, I launched TheMoreJewKnow.com a gif-filled explainer of Jewish holidays, customs, and values. I also worked to create innovative programming in Ann Arbor including a “StorySlam in the Sukkah.”

Since the CoVID pandemic, I have produced Friday Night Live, The Elul Channel, and The Shabbat Channel, for the Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale. These initiatives have brought music, Torah, and a sense of sanctuary into people’s homes as they were kept out of the synagogue’s physical space. I also spearheaded the Sidewalk Sermon initiative, in which more than a dozen rabbis from synagogues across Riverdale gave mini shabbat sermons to small crowds on street corners across the neighborhood.



